Monday, November 10, 2008

And I am Appalled

I was talking to a friend who worked at a Colonial House over the summer. She informed me of an astonishing fact: most of the children who came through the house had no idea what a fireplace was for, that clothes and food can (and sometimes usually) come from animals, and did not even know who George Washington was.

My first reaction was precisely like that of Professor Digory in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie: "What do they teach kids in schools these days?"

I just have no concept of people not knowing what I consider to be elementary and common knowledge facts. What is the world coming to?

On a bright note, she said that you could tell who was homeschooled - because they actually knew these things and were respectful. It's nice to know that at least entire generations aren't losing basic knowledge. I have a lot of respect for those who homeschool, and, with the wonderful results of home education, it makes me wonder why it isn't promoted very much, and why more people do not partake of it!

original image source

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1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Here is an article a young man who homeschools posted on his blog. He links to the original in the post.

I think this very well may be a major reason people are opposed to homeschooling, whether they realize it or not.