Saline Injection is done by inserting a long needle through the mother’s abdomen

and then injecting a solution of concentrated salt into the amniotic fluid. The baby dies through salt poisoning, dehydration, hemorrhages, failures of organs, and experiences convulsions. The child’s skin is chemically burned by the salt as well.

It can take several hours for the baby to die in this manner. One to two days later the mother goes into labor and delivers her dead child.
Source: Tennessee Right to Life
(accessed 21 October 2007)
That photo speaks of things...that are hard to grasp.
People are selfish doing that to an unborn child. Dont have children till ur ready or have an abortion when ur 6 weeks pregnant when baby cant feel pain! This picture is very upsetting when theres people out there wish to concieve children when others do this very sad
Actually, a fetus feels pain at every gestational age. Wether they are only 1 day or 42 weeks (gestational) abortion is wrong!
It is unproven that a fetus can feel pain... Your personal feelings that "abortion is wrong" are just that, personal feelings, Wendy. Rachel's point that an earlier abortion is more humane is completely true because of SCIENCE, not feelings.
You're, of course, entitled to your opinion... I just think it'd be better recieved if it was well researched.
A foetus is solely dependent on its mother in utero. It is not a functional human being, it's a bunch of semi-differentiated cells which lack body systems that are vital to life. Abortion is a mothers choice. Nobody has the right to judge a woman on the decision to have an abortion, nor would it have been an easy choice to make.
I don't know what to say. being on one end one may get very emotional to the point of possible suiside. The other is they should be grateful because many other woman can't get pregnant. And can give the cold away one born. sad to abort at that stage. Young woman should be educated more. parents there for them to help make safe decisions.
There is always a CHOICE - kill the baby or let it become an eternal joy. ADOPTION is always the best choice. Call an adoption center, choose whatever family you want for the baby, they will provide medical care you need.(and often housing too) You will never suffer horrible regret of abortion. You will have the joy in knowing that you created a family.
To those who may argue that a fetus is not a life because it is dependent on the mother, you must realize that every single human cannot survive for the first many years without someone to care for them and feed them and protect them. Are they not a viable life then?
A fetus truly is a dividing of cells - that is how all life begins.
Most crimes are conceived, planned and executed anonymously. As dependence goes, certainly "Anonymous" is dependent upon society in multitudinous ways; by your reasoning society should have a right to terminate your life as well?
These issues have complex boundaries preventing an end to genocide of innocents yet the single biggest contribution must be a return to reason that when two heterosexuals couple sexually, they are firmly on the road leading to producinghuman life. Woman must avail themselves of female condoms. Men MUST take greater responsibility towards their 50% role in the process, that it's not their God given right to "get off" whenever they wish, but is their responsibility to care for the results, that is a child.
Perhaps if both men and women were forced to see the results of aborted children before voting, or denuding their drivers license they might think twice before jumping under the covers unprotected.
Perhaps the wild hog crisis can teach us that we in fact ARE much more like pigs than just comparable anatomy. It only takes a generation of running wild before we too revert into unprincipaled, hairy beasts grunting for every pleasure we can consume without a care of what results or whose lives we ruin or end. I personally have greater hopes than that for humankind. Only time will tell.
Jackson Walensis
I am Jackson Walensis.
The word was renew, not denude. renew their drivers license.
so much for error correcting spell checkers.
Jackson, I understand what you are saying, and if the choice is protection or abortion I, too, would encourage protection. However, I would also advocate a higher standard of morality - abstinence until marriage. Most abortions occur outside of a marriage, and if someone does not want children in their marriage I would encourage them to think about one of the most sacred aspects of marriage: procreation. God designed procreation to be pleasureable, and I am concerned when people advocate for pleasure with no responsibility for what that act is designed to bring about.
This is just horrible. Why do people even have abortions? When you have an abortion you are MURDERING a CHILD!!!
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