Monday, May 9, 2016

21 Days of Encouragement

DaySpring is providing me with boxed cards to use as a part of this challenge. This post does contain affiliate links. This means that - at no additional cost to you - I may receive compensation for referring business. Thank you for your support!

I remember one time when I gave a dear friend a card. She later told me that the timing was perfect - she had been praying they could start fundraising for adoption in June, and I gave her that card with a check in it (I knew adoption was on their hearts) on the first day of June. To her it was such an encouraging reminder that God cares about small details - such as beginning fundraising in June - and the big picture - them being parents. 

We're called as believers to encourage each other, but I know all to well how easy it can be to forget to do that in the business of life. I want to change that and make encouraging others habitual. So when I saw DaySpring's 21 Days of Encouragement Campaign, I was on board. 

The idea is simple: it takes 21 days to form a habit, so we challenge each other to encourage someone for 21 straight days. I'll be taking to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep you updated on what I've done each day to encourage someone. 

The challenge launches today, but I started early by sending out two cards on Saturday and a text Sunday to encourage three women who have been through tragedies the past several years, making Mother's Day bittersweet. This morning I sent an ecard to my mother in law. 

What will you do to encourage someone today?

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